User profile contains your data and personal settings like your name, email address, profile picture, notification settings etc.
You can change the password in the "My Profile".
  1. Open the project sidebar and click on your photo (image)
  2. Select "Profile"
  3. Go to tab and click "Change password"
  4. In the opened window, specify the current password, as well as enter a new one twice. Password must be 6 characters or more
  5. Click Continue. The password will be changed to sign in on all devices.
You can change your password in the app via "My Profile" menu.
  1. Open the project sidebar and tap on your profile picture
  2. Tap Edit password
  3. Enter your current password into "Old password" field. Next, enter your new password twice. Password must be at least 6 characters long
  4. Tap Save
Done! Your password is saved.